The spread of concentrated loads on AAC using digital image correlation techniques.pdfClifford Fudge, Geoff Edgell
Six sigma in the AAC production.pdf Martin Haas, Ivaylo Petrov
Simulation of AAC for sustainable design and construction Jason T. Kirby Fouad H. Fouad Torsten Schoch
Automation goes 4.0: The “SMART” AAC factory Frank Pottin Dipl.‐Ing. Torsten Dietz
Effect of carbonation on the performance of autoclaved aerated concrete Katarzyna Łaskawiec, Piotr Woyciechowski
Durability of autoclaved aerated concrete—if carbonation is really dangerous? Facts and myths Paweł Walczak, Jan Małolepszy
Carbonation of autoclaved aerated concrete containing fly ash Bernd Winkels Dipl.‐Ing. Holger Nebel Dr. rer. nat. Michael Raupach Univ.‐Prof. Dr.‐Ing.
Durability of autoclaved aerated concrete based on Polish experience Genowefa Zapotoczna‐Sytek
Past and future of Hebel Haus in Japan Kouji Kuroki
Production and use of autoclaved aerated concrete in Russia G. I. Grinfel'd, A. A. Vishnevsky, A. S. Smirnova
Performance of Multipor WI as exterior insulation Svenja Carrigan Jun.‐Prof. Dr. rer. nat, Marco Hartner Dipl.‐Ing., Markus Hofmann Dipl.‐Ing., Oliver Kornadt Prof. Dr. rer. nat., Torsten Schoch Dipl.‐Ing.
Hygrothermal assessment of internally insulated solid masonry walls fitted with exterior hydrophobization and deliberate thermal bridge Nickolaj Feldt Jensen, Søren Peter Bjarløv, Carsten Rode, Tommy Riviere Odgaard
Effects of thermal insulation on the airborne sound insulation of AAC masonry walls Julian Kümmel
Autoclaved aerated concrete: Influence of heat storage capacity on thermal performance and thermal comfort Tim Schöndube MSc, Saif Rashid MSc, Svenja Carrigan Jun.‐Prof. Dr. rer. nat., Torsten Schoch Dipl.‐Ing., Oliver Kornadt Prof. Dr. rer. nat.
An innovative application of autoclaved aerated concrete technology Frank W. Riepe
Quality control of autoclaved aerated concrete by means of X‐ray diffraction Marcus Paul
XRD analysis of phase development and peak broadening during the production of AAC Juergen Schreiner, Daniel Jansen, Dominique Ectors, Stephan Volkmann
Nanostructured high insulating autoclaved aerated concrete Andreas Stumm, Uwe Schweike, Peter Stemmermann
Early hydration process of the cement–lime system Hui Zhang, Yufeng Su PhD, Zhenghong Yang PhD, Xiong Zhang PhD
Autoclaving of ultra‐high performance concrete (UHPC) Julia von Werder, Sebastian Simon, Christian Lehmann, Christian Selleng, Patrick Fontana, Birgit Meng
Requirements for renders on modern autoclaved aerated concrete Andrea Hartmann, Franz Loderer
Investigations about porosity analyzing of AAC Nicole Anders
Length change characteristics of autoclaved aerated concrete and other porous media based on pore structure Kunio Matsui, Shingo Asamoto, Akihiro Ogawa
Length change behavior of autoclaved aerated concrete at various relative humidity: Comparison between Japanese and Vietnamese AACs Lam Nguyen Trong MSc, Shingo Asamoto PhD, Kunio Matsui PhD
Minimizing AAC production hard waste costs: A hybrid IMSD and DfE approach in machine‐building industry Hatem Aldarrat, Billy Özer Cogum, Lorenz Reupke
Customized AAC equipment based on various demands Shunwu Xu, Xinjiang Chen, Guoliang Qi
Improvement of the mixing process and the influence on the AAC properties Christoph Menzel
Factors affecting the stability of bubble in autoclaved aerated concrete Yufeng Su PhD, Bolei Wei, Xuan Sun, MSc Hui Zhang
Highly automated versatile volume production of autoclaved aerated panels Daan van Boggelen, Koen van Boggelen, Ralf Beier
Usability of chemical additives to accelerate initial curing time of AAC Tuğba Dalgıçer MSc, Taner Kavas, Uğur Uzgan
Zeolite as a raw material to the AAC production Ewelina Grabowska
Poromix AAC additive – A new front in AAC development Wojciech Jan Horała
Aluminum silicate recycling raw materials for production of autoclaved aerated concrete Fumiaki Matsushita, Kouichi Imasawa, Sumio Shibata, Masatoshi Horiguchi
Quicklime with defined reaction time window for aerated autoclaved concrete production Dmitry Tungulin, Birgit Behrenberg, Jürgen Lutter, Werner Wallmeier
Influence of gypsum and limestone, used as mineral additives, on autoclaved aerated concrete properties Marek Małecki, Wiesław Kurdowski, Paweł Walczak
Chemical admixtures for the optimization of the AAC production Nicoletta Zeminian MSc, Gaetano Guarino MSc, Qi Xu PhD
Seismic response of autoclaved aerated concrete masonry infill walls under in‐plane and out‐of‐plane seismic demands Baris Binici, Erdem Canbay, İsmail Ozan Demirel, Alper Aldemir, Uğur Uzgan, Zafer Eryurtlu, Ahmet Yakut
EGAS: An innovative earthquake‐proof AAC wall system Erdem Canbay, Baris Binici, Ismail Ozan Demirel PhD, Alper Aldemir, Uğur Uzgan, Zafer Eryurtlu, Koray Bulbul
In situ seismic testing of a reinforced autoclaved aerated concrete building Furkan Gokmen MSc, Baris Binici, Erdem Canbay, Alper Aldemir, Mustafa Kagan Ogdu, Uğur Uzgan, Zafer Eryurtlu, Gulay Ozdemir
Seismic behavior of reinforced autoclaved aerated concrete wall panels Armin Taghipour MSc, Erdem Canbay, Baris Binici, Alper Aldemir, Uğur Uzgan, Zafer Eryurtlu
Damage reduction system for masonry infill walls under seismic loading Christoph Butenweg, Marko Marinković
From experiments to seismic design rules for structures built with reinforced autoclaved aerated concrete panels Omer Faruk Halici MSc, Korhan Deniz Dalgic, Ozgun Ozeren, Koray Ugurlu, Cem Demir, Mustafa Comert, Alper Ilki
Shaking table test study on a steel frame with autoclaved aerated concrete walls Caiyuan Cheng, Liusheng He
Seismic out‐of‐plane behavior of unreinforced masonry walls Moritz Lönhoff, Hamid Sadegh‐Azar
Seismic performances of AAC masonry: A review of experimental and numerical approaches Lorenzo Miccoli
Seismic performance of AAC masonry infill: From traditional systems to innovative solutions Riccardo R. Milanesi PhD, Paolo Morandi PhD, Andrea Penna, Guido Magenes

Tests of AAC walls subjected to vertical loads ‐ Part 1. Zone at the opening Łukasz Drobiec
Tests of AAC walls subjected to vertical loads ‐ Part 2. Connection zone of perpendicular walls Łukasz Drobiec
Joints in masonry walls Iwona Galman, Radosław Jasiński
Structural performance of AAC hybrid floor system Chikara Iihoshi, Takashi Sugawara, Manabu Sonobe, Hirokazu Kobayashi
Comparisons of confined and different types of reinforcement on the behavior of masonry shear walls Radosław Jasiński PhD
Analysis of AAC precast lintels embedded in walls different construction Łukasz Drobiec Radosław Jasiński Wojciech Mazur
Reinforced and unreinforced AAC masonry walls supported on deflecting structure Adam Piekarczyk
Flexural strength of AAC masonry with bed joint reinforcement Adam Piekarczyk
The design of storey height elements for the inner leaf of masonry cavity walls John Roberts, Cliff Fudge
Effect of filling joints on resistance of walls under vertical loading Tomasz Rybarczyk, Łukasz Drobiec
Influence of reinforced concrete confining on the load‐bearing capacity of the AAC walls Łukasz Drobiec, Tomasz Rybarczyk
Options for the implementation of new secondary raw materials in autoclaved aerated concrete Vít Černý PhD, Rostislav Drochytka CSc, MBA Pavlína Šebestová
Influence of secondary raw materials on synthesis of tobermorite in lime–silicate composite Vít Černý PhD, Rostislav Drochytka CSc, MBA Karel Kulísek CSc, Jana Húšt'avová
Recycling of steel slag fines for the production of autoclaved aerated concrete (AAC) Ying‐Liang Chen, Juu‐En Chang, Yi‐Chieh Lai, Ming‐Sheng Ko, Yi‐Hsin Chen
Utilizing municipal solid waste incineration (MSWI) fly ash as a calcium source to prepare Al‐substituted tobermorite Mengyan Bao, Xiaolu Guo, Huisheng Shi, Kai Wu, Xiong Zhang
Autoclaved aerated concrete (AAC) rubble for new recycling building products: In dry premixed mortars for masonry, in masonry blocks, and in lightweight blocks Frank Hlawatsch, Hakan Aycil, Jörg Kropp
Circular economy potential for autoclaved aerated concrete Oliver Kreft PhD
Removal of the greenhouse gas methane by using autoclaved aerated concrete as matrix for colonization of methane‐oxidizing bacteria Jan Kuever, Markko Remesch, Andreas Rabenstein, Gerhard Bukowski, Harald Kurkowski, Wolfgang Eden
ENSUBA–A new method for solving the gypsum problem in waste autoclaved aerated concrete Anna‐Lena Liesch MSc, Volker Thome, Sebastian Dittrich
UHPC–AAC facade elements: Structural design, production technology, and mechanical behavior Lorenzo Miccoli, Patrick Fontana, Dirk Qvaeschning, Oliver Kreft, Johannes Hoppe, Birgit Meng
The sustainability of wall solutions: Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) of different solutions for external closures Michele Paleari PhD, Alessandro Miliani MSc
Application of recycled waste material for the production of autoclaved aerated concrete Severin Seifert, Anna‐Lena Liesch, Volker Thome, Sebastian Dittrich, Daniela Wolfram
Improving the recyclability, environmental compatibility, and CO2 balance of autoclaved aerated concrete by replacing sulfate carrier and cement with calcined clays Carola Chucholowski, Müller Holger, Karl‐Christian Thienel
Sustainable building solutions with new generation autoclaved aerated concrete panel applications Willem van Boggelen Dipl.‐Ing., Jop van Boggelen MSc
Demolition waste and limit values for landfill Hartmut B. Walther
Performance of autoclaved aerated concrete from the designer, developer, and user perspective Katarzyna Łaskawiec PhD, Piotr Gębarowski PhD, Lech Misiewicz MSc
Effects of specimen dimensions and shape on compressive strength of specific autoclaved aerated concrete Wojciech Mazur, Łukasz Drobiec, Radosław Jasiński
Investigation of the strength development of autoclaved aerated concrete Ulrike Peter, Pawel Nowak, Hermann Oeinck, Volker Spicker, Christopher Pust
The use of EN771‐4 the European harmonized AAC masonry unit product standard in the UK Peter Primmer
Use of European harmonized AAC masonry unit test standards in the UK Peter Primmer
Testing boundary conditions determining the drying shrinkage behavior of AAC Patrick Rzeczkowski, Ludger Lohaus
Compressive strength of autoclaved aerated concrete: Test methods comparison Paweł Walczak
Effects of different autoclaving pressure on mechanical properties of AAC Atilla Yazal, Taner Kavas A., Doğan Soyal
AAC in the USA – A second look Fouad H. Fouad, Torsten Schoch
Innovations in the crystalline structure forming and its effects on the mechanical performance of AAC Taner Kavas, Abdullah Tan, Utku Tiriç, Abdullatif Durğun
Size effect of monotonically sheared masonry walls made of AAC masonry units Radosław Jasiński
Research of transformation process of barrier layers in antifriction bearing with solid lubricating filler at autoclave simulated operation Valeriy Perevertov